Patch Deployments
Patch deployments are used to install patches to target machines that were identified as missing from a patch scan. You can start a deployment, locate existing deployments and delete deployments.
If you initiate a patch deployment remotely via the REST API, you must initialize a session credential.
Base URL
Supported Requests
Method | URL | Input | Return |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/patch/deployments/{deployment id} |
Success or failure code |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/patch/deployments |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/patch/deployments |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/patch/deployments/{deployment id} |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/patch/deployments/{deployment id}/machines |
URL Parameters | ||
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/patch/deployments/{deployment id}/machines/{machine id} |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/patch/deployments |
Input Models

Name | Type | Description |
count |
Integer |
Provide the count of items to return. The default is 10 and the maximum value is 1000. |
createdByMe |
Boolean |
Returns only those items created by the user. This parameter will be removed in a future release and should only be used in legacy requests. |
name |
String |
Returns the items whose name matches the specified name. |
onOrAfter |
DateTime |
Returns the deployments started on or after the specified date. |
onOrBefore |
DateTime |
Returns the deployments started on or before the specified date. |
start |
Integer |
Sets the starting point. The items are sorted by their unique identifier and the starting point is the index into that sorted list. |

If you initiate a patch deployment remotely using the REST API, you must add a session credential.
Name | Required? | Type | Default Value | Description |
deployWhat |
No |
Enum |
AllMissingPatches |
Specifies what is being deployed. Valid values are:
errorPolicy |
No |
String |
Throw |
machines |
Conditional |
None |
Specifies the machines that will be included in the deployment. Its use is conditional based on what is specified for deployWhat.
runAsCredentialId |
No |
Guid |
None |
Provides a credential ID to a credential to use to start a deployment. This command is deprecated, use a session credential instead. |
runAsDefault |
No |
Boolean |
False |
Specifies whether to run the deployment using the integrated authentication credentials of the user who invokes the REST API. This flag cannot be set to true if the REST API is called from a remote client. This command is deprecated. |
scanId |
Yes |
Guid |
None |
Specifies a scan ID used to identify missing patches and target machines. |
templateId |
Yes |
Guid |
None |
Specifies the ID of the deployment template used for this deployment. |

Name | Required? | Type | Default Value | Description |
detectedPatches |
Yes |
None |
Specifies the patches that will be included in the deployment. |
domain |
Yes |
String |
None |
Specifies the domain of the machine. |
name |
Yes |
String |
None |
Specifies the name of the machine. |
virtualMachinePath |
Conditional |
String |
Null |
If the patch is being deployed to a virtual machine, specifies the path to the machine on the virtual server. Required if virtualServer is specified. |
virtualServer |
Conditional |
String |
Null |
If the patch is being deployed to a virtual machine, specifies the name of the server on which the virtual machine resides. |

Name | Required? | Type | Default Value | Description |
cultureName |
No |
String |
Null |
Optionally specifies the name of the culture for the current patch. If left as null, whichever culture is associated with the missing patch is deployed. If a cultureName is specified, then only patches that match the name of the culture are deployed. |
instanceName |
No |
String |
Null |
Specifies the instance name for products such as SQL Server that have one. This comes from the DetectedPatch of the Patch Scan. This field is not case sensitive. |
patchId |
Yes |
Guid |
None |
Specifies the ID of the missing patch or service pack. The ID comes from either the patch catalog (Product Level.uid) or from a custom patch specification. |
Example with Sample Response
Find all patch deployments using a deployment template named Sample
GET Request
Sample Response
"count": 1,
"value": [
"completedMachineCount": 1,
"creator": "SHAVLIK\\Test.User",
"expectedMachineCount": 1
"isComplete": true
"lastUpdatedOn": "2018-02-12T14:42:27.923Z"
"links": "{"
"self": "{"
"href": "https://YourConsoleName:3121/st/console/api/v1.0/patch/deployments/d7a59ec7-2bdd-4492-9e41-c23ac84c64d6"
"name": "Sample"
"startedOn": "2018-02-12T14:36:41.707Z"
"id": "d7a59ec7-2bdd-4492-9e41-c23ac84c64d6"
Other Request Examples

DELETE Request

GET Request

GET Request

GET Request

GET Request

GET Request

GET Request

Limit the output to five machines per page.
GET Request

GET Request

POST Request
{ "scanId":"8bce9fdd-0cf8-40b0-8ecc-b0914a9c831a", "templateId":"7b5bc7e4-7437-47ac-ae2e-569ffdb0ccf8"}
If using PowerShell to initiate the request, use Invoke-WebRequest rather than Invoke-RestMethod. This will cause the header information to be returned. For an example, see Start-to-Finish Example.

Tip: You can use the output of a Patch Scan request (see the Find information about the machines example) to populate the domain and name parameters that are specified in this request.
POST Request
"scanId": "8bce9fdd-0cf8-40b0-8ecc-b0914a9c831a",
"templateId": "7b5bc7e4-7437-47ac-ae2e-569ffdb0ccf8"
"deployWhat": "AllMissingPatchesForMachine",
"machines": [
"domain": "MyDomainName",
"name": "MyMachineName

Tip: You can use the output of a Patch Scan request (see the Find all patches detected on a specific machine example) to populate the patchId and cultureName parameters that are specified in this request.
POST Request
"scanId": "8bce9fdd-0cf8-40b0-8ecc-b0914a9c831a",
"templateId": "7b5bc7e4-7437-47ac-ae2e-569ffdb0ccf8"
"deployWhat": "SelectedPatchesForMachine",
"machines": [
"domain": "MyDomainName",
"name": "MyMachineName",
"detectedPatches": [
"patchId": "00009486-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"cultureName": "en-US"
"patchId": "00032e80-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"cultureName": "en-US"
Output Models

Name | Type | Description |
completedMachineCount |
Integer |
On how many machines has the deployment completed? |
creator |
String |
Who initiated the deployment? |
expectedMachineCount |
Integer |
How many total machines are in this deployment? |
isComplete |
Boolean |
Is the deployment complete? |
lastUpdatedOn |
DateTime |
When was the last status update received? |
links |
Links |
Shows the related URLs for the deployment, the machines and the template. |
name |
String |
What is the name of the deployment template? |
startedOn |
DateTime |
When was the deployment started? |
id |
Guid |
The unique operation identifier assigned to the patch deployment. |

Name | Type | Description |
address |
IPAddress |
The IP address of the machine. |
completedPatches |
Integer |
The count of in-progress patches |
dnsName |
String |
The DNS name of the machine. |
domain |
String |
The domain name of the machine. |
errorCode |
Integer |
The error code reported on failure by the machine. |
id |
Integer |
The unique machine identifier for the machine being deployed to |
lastUpdated |
DateTime |
Specifies when the deployment status was last updated. |
links |
Links |
Shows the related URL for the deployment to the machine. |
name |
String |
The hostname of the machine. |
overallState |
DeploymentState |
The overall state of the machine deployment (in-progress, completed, failed, etc). |
patchStates |
The status of each patch in the deployment. |
statusDescription |
String |
A description of the status of the deployment. |

Name | Type | Description |
bulletinId |
String |
The bulletin ID or product being applied. |
finishedOn |
DateTime |
Date and time that the deployment finished installing patches. |
hasExecuted |
Boolean |
Has the patch deployment been executed? |
kb |
String |
The KB number of the patch or service pack level. |
lastUpdated |
DateTime |
Date and time that the patch deployment status was last updated. |
nativeCode |
Integer |
The native error code if the patch deployment failed. |
overallState |
DeploymentState |
The overall state of the patch deployment (in progress, complete or failed). |
overallStateDescription |
String |
A localized description of the overall deployment state. |
patchId |
Guid |
The patch ID. |
scheduledOn |
DateTime |
The date and time the patch was scheduled for deployment. |
startedOn |
DateTime |
The date and time that the patch deployment started. |
status |
The deployment result status. |
statusDescription |
String |
A localized description of the status. |

Name | Value | Description |
none |
0 |
Initial value when the record is created. |
failed |
1 |
Deployment failed for various reasons. Possible examples include:
copied |
2 |
Files / data were copied. |
scheduled |
3 |
Deployment was scheduled. |
executing |
4 |
Before executing the patch file. |
executed |
5 |
After executing the patch file, if deployment template specified no reboot. |
pendingReboot |
6 |
Deployment is pending a reboot. |
verifiedMissing |
7 |
Rescan completed and found the patch is missing. |
verifiedFixed |
8 |
Rescan completed and found the patch is not missing. |
unableToVerify |
9 |
Could not perform the rescan (e.g. failed to connect to the target machine) or the patch InstallState attribute is present but not "missing" or "installed" in the scan results. |
canceled |
10 |
Deployment was canceled. |
completeNotVerified |
11 |
CompleteNotVerified in Tracker service UpdatePatchDeploymentStatus is turned into VerifiedFixed. |
pendingRescan |
12 |
Deployment is pending a rescan. |
inferredFixed |
13 |
Rescan did not report on the patch. It is neither missing nor installed, so it is inferred to be fixed. |
waitForServer |
20 |
VM - Waiting for concurrent deployments on the server to drop below the limit. |
initialize |
21 |
VM - Disable Sysprep / get system path. |
disableNetwork |
22 |
VM - Disable network. |
powerOn |
23 |
VM - Power on. |
monitorStatus |
24 |
VM - Getting Tracker files. |
powerOff |
25 |
VM - Power off. |
enableNetwork |
26 |
VM - Enable network. |
enableSysprep |
27 |
VM - Enable Sysprep. |
takeSnapshot |
28 |
VM - Take snapshot. |
cleanupSnapshot |
29 |
VM - Cleanup snapshot. |
convertToTemplate |
30 |
VM - Convert to template. |
patchDownloadRetry |
31 |
Patch download from distribution server failed; retry scheduled. |
buidlingDeploymentPackage |
32 |
Building the deployment package. |
deployingPackages |
33 |
Copying files and scheduling the installation. |
finishedPendingReboot |
34 |
Installation complete and reboot is scheduled. |
downloadedFile |
35 |
Downloaded file. |
rescanInProgress |
36 |
Rescan in progress. Set when rescan manager polls results and initiates a rescan. |
downloadingFiles |
37 |
Files necessary to the deployment are being downloaded. |
fileDownloadStarted |
38 |
Patch download started. |
fileDownloadFailed |
39 |
Patch download failed. |
fileDownloadCompleted |
40 |
Patch download successfully completed. |
fileDownloadCompleted |
41 |
Machine status, all file downloading is complete. |
fileDownloadsFailed |
42 |
Machine status, file downloading has critically failed. |
installing |
43 |
Vendor patches are being installed. |
externalRebootRequested |
44 |
Waiting for the status handler DLL to reboot the machine. |
rebooted |
45 |
Machine has booted up (within a deployment workflow). Waiting for post-boot actions. |
minimumDetailStatus |
Error452 |
Starting point for specific error states (except for Finished, which is a completion indicator). |
error452 |
80 |
Cannot connect to the machine, access denied. |
error453 |
81 |
error230 |
82 |
A general network error occurred. |
noRegistryAccess |
83 |
platformInNotNT |
84 |
unsupportedOperatingSystemServicePack |
85 |
noAdminShareAccess |
86 |
machineNotFound |
87 |
credentialsInvalid |
88 |
Credentials on the target machine were invalid. |
machineFoundButIsNotListeningOn139or445 |
89 |
notAdministrator |
90 |
error201 |
91 |
machineNotFoundOn139or445IsFirewalled |
92 |
error202 |
93 |
unknownCE |
94 |
virtualDeploymentFailed |
95 |
General error for virtual deployment. |
virtualDeploymentInProgress |
96 |
Virtual deployment already running in the service for the VM. |
preDeploySnapshotFailed |
97 |
Snapshot failed in call to PreDeploy(). |
convertToVirtualMachineFailed |
98 |
Unable to convert template to virtual machine. |
finished |
99 |
Entire deployment / installation is complete including reboot if required. |
uninstalled |
100 |
Uninstallation is complete, not waiting (or no longer waiting) for reboot. |
stagedDeploymentScheduled |
101 |
Staged deployment scheduled. |
failedToScheduleStagedDeployment |
102 |
Failed to schedule staged deployment. |
userCanceled |
103 |
Scheduled deployment task was deleted or canceled by the user. |
virtualDeploymentFailedNativeError |
150 |
disableNetworkFailed |
151 |
powerOnFailed |
152 |
monitorStatusInvalidHostCredentials |
153 |
monitorStatusInvalidGuestCredentials |
154 |
powerOffFailed |
155 |
enableNetworkFailed |
156 |
enableSysprepFailed |
157 |
takeSnapshotPostDeployFailed |
158 |
cleanupSnapshotRemovalFailed |
159 |
Removal of snapshot during cleanup failed. |
convertToTemplateFailed |
160 |
virtualDeploymentFailedInvalidState |
161 |
Internal error; invalid state. |
virtualDeploymentFailedExpirationTimeExceeded |
162 |
Virtual deployment failed due to deployment expiration. |
virtualDeploymentFailedTimeExceeded |
163 |
monitorStatusVMwareToolsNotRunning |
164 |
Failure to log in to the machine because VMware Tools is not running. |
virtualMachineLocked |
165 |
offlineOperationsNotSupported |
166 |
The vSphere server version is not supported for mounting. |
nativeError |
180 |
See the error string for details. |
unableToConnectToVirtualServer |
181 |
unableToFindVirtualMachine |
182 |
Cannot find the virtual machine on the server. |
errorCreatingDeploymentPackage |
183 |
See the log for details. |
unableToDeployToSuspendedVirtualMachine |
184 |
unableToDeployToOfflineVirtualMachine |
185 |
onlineCredentialsAreNotAvailable |
186 |
failedToScheduledPatchDeployment |
187 |
patchCopyFailed |
188 |
Failed to copy the file to the target machine. |
patchRemovedDueToMissingFile |
189 |
Patch was removed because the uninstall file does not exist on the target machine. |
notLicensedToDeployPatch |
190 |
Your license does not support deployment of this patch. |
languageDownloadNotAvailable |
191 |
Patch is not available for the selected language. |
fileValidationFailed |
192 |
fileIsMissing |
193 |
deploymentLicensesExceeded |
194 |
outOfDiskSpace |
195 |
machineMismatch |
270 |
unableToOpenVmxFile |
817 |